Tuesday, March 6, 2012



The Lord by Romano Guardini1885~1968)。作者是天主教的神父。

這是在講耶穌的書,是以默想的方式,而不是神學討論。我個人受益非常多。我想節錄其中一段,是標題為“Attachment and Detachment”的文章中的一部分。說到路加福音中那個聰明的管家(16:1~9),他寫道:

The parable is not obvious. The clue to its meaning lies in the words “mammon of wickedness.”Mammon is the Phoenician god of wealth; his name also means property. But why “of wickedness”? All wealth is wicked, “base wealth.” All degrees of prosperity, which we regard so highly, are included in the sweeping judgement. Nor is Jesus differentiating between the honest fruit of hard labor and wealth accumulated effortlessly. He is not encouraging proficiency and integrity; is not suggesting a more just distribution of material goods. He is saying: No one really owns anything. Neither one dollor nor a million, neither one acre nor a hundred. Jesus’ words have nothing to do with the ethics of work or the economic order of things. Rather they suggest other remarks of his: for example from the parable of the importunate friend. “Therefore, if you, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Good Spirit to those who ask him!”(Luke 11:13). Here again the Lord does not distinguish between good people and bad--- all are bad; all, without exception, fall under the universal judgement. In the same sense we are all “base” owners. the baseness lies in the root of property itself, Sin has destroyed the possibility of natural ownership without fetters upon the owner or injustice to others. In the sight of God even the most innocent ownership is unjust. What Jesus is driving at is neither sociological nor economic. His words have nothing to do with secular morality; they simply state what sin has done: destroyed paradise. In paradise property of the one would not have been to the exclusion of others. Just how this could have been is beyond human understanding. We can only surmise it when we meet someone who in the love of Christ has really become selfless. In him the kingdom of God actually begins to take form, and paradise is not only regained, but regranted on a higher level.

Jesus then, is referring to things of faith, pointing to an existence in grace and the Holy Spirit long since lost through sin. Ever since, all human doing and owning is in itself “unjust,” a state which cannot be essentially changed by economic or social reforms. It can only be raised in its entirety to the plane of faith, there to undergo conversion and salvation.


這篇文章的標題是“Attachment and Detachment” 真是傳神。我們身在世界,受世界的哺育,但又不能沾染世俗。我們很容易搞混。當我們談公共政策時,要知道這整個系統都是不義的,而天主的兒女的使命也不是吧它弄成義的。我們沒有這個能力,因為我們本身也是問題的一部分。我們是在世俗的層次談。只是一些政策的精神比較趨近基督精神,我們可以欣賞。

資本主義社會解決分配不均的方式,是發展經濟,而過程中允許一部分人暴富,只要整個餅變大就好。何況,衣食足而知榮辱,這些富人,在基本需要滿足了,就會追求更高層次的需要,或透過直接的慈善捐輸,或透過心靈消費為社會創造精緻文化,或透過稅收,最後是全體社會受益。這是一種“我好了,大家都好”的雙贏設計。可是這種以利己為前提的制度不可能與天主的道相容。這個世界最受推崇的民主和人權觀念,都是建築在所謂的”entitlement”的概念。例如,人有與生俱來的這樣那樣的權利,如居住,擁有私人財產,自由。。。等等。這些各式各樣的擁有,以及為保障它而形成的制度,在天主看來,沒有義的。至於馬斯洛(Maslow)的需要層級,身體,安全,社會,自尊,自我實現,由低到高,前者滿足了後者就出現,正可以說明人的肉體慾望的無止境。人很多的精神需求說穿了都是肉體的慾望的衍生。包括所謂的自我實現。這些慾望,無論在哪一個層次,都有可能成為一個人的必須,而不是“奢侈”。當一個慾望成為必須的時候,他就會覺得他擁有滿足那個慾望的工具是天經地義的(entitlement),而無法忍受失去這個工具 。最近華人圈子積極爭取讓法院判決,以強制力禁止名牌大學錄取學生出現華裔學業錄取標準較高的現像。很多家長就流露出基本人權被剝奪的悲壯情緒。滿足他們小孩進名校的需要已經成為一種必須,在他們來講是不容妥協的,即便校方的錄取或許基於全人考量(holistic),或許基於照顧弱勢,讓困難學生有機會上大學,在他們來講都不足以合理化對他們小孩子進名校機會的剝奪。他們憤憤不平。所以作者才說,沒有擁有是不監禁(fetter)我們的。基督徒不沾染世俗的一大考驗就是能夠分辨看似很高尚的理想,背後可能的肉體本質。



天主的自我實現(self-actualization),反而是從無我開始。無我的人,不會熱衷我好了,你也好的邏輯,而是我只要你好的邏輯。這世界上有這樣的事,也有這樣的人,但不在體制之內。因為體制本身是不義的,也更不是主流,但如果你看到了,你是最幸福的人。『上主是我的牧者,我實在一無所缺。』這著名的詩句不知道被多少人誤會。所謂一無所缺,不是在說天主有求必應,而是I shall not want,意思有自由不受需要的轄制。這種觀念,在世俗來看,是阿Q心態,更是社會進步(經濟發展)的毒藥,在天主的兒女卻是水草豐富的福地。


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